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Unleash your Imagination!

Unleash your Imagination!

I truly enjoy challenging myself with new projects and designing things that people love.

My wife loves daisies. So, I took it upon myself to design a "realistic" potted plant of daisies to give to my wife. The pot even doubles as a storage container!

When I get an idea and can put that idea into a tangible design that others can enjoy, that fires up my drive to keep pushing to get better. I value the feedback I get from the community as well as from my family. As a result, my wife's input is manifest in a lot of my designs.

These daisies just might make it into my arsenal of designs here on Thangs in the future. But I don't know, is that something you'd want?

For all those who enjoy my designs, thank you. I love what I do and appreciate your support.

And let me know, would you be into an art project like the one that's involved with this design?
